I can not update and store my Business data and get the following exception if I do it e.g.
It seems that it is now forbidden to write to the Elasiticsearch index because it is read-only. Why is my index read-only? I did not do anything. It suddenly stopped working. |
This can happen if you are nearly out of disk space. If you have used 95% or more of your disk, Elasticsearch enforces a read-only index. This means no update and adding to the index is allowed only deletion will work. You just have to clean up your disk to have more than 5% free disk space (anyway a good idea:) and restart Axon.ivy. Then it should work again. See detailed information in the Elasticsearch reference about the configuration properties and what happens when. |
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Asked: 01.10.2019 at 04:05
Seen: 2,418 times
Last updated: 01.10.2019 at 08:06