Hi Ivy team

Finally made to 7.3.1 and I am trying to configure the app as I have done with the old ULC admin client.

It looks to me that there are quite a few configuration items missing, which existed in the old admin client.

Any forecasts when they will be available in the Cockpit ?

Regards John

asked 17.09.2019 at 12:40

John%20Moser's gravatar image

John Moser
accept rate: 0%

edited 17.09.2019 at 15:35

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦

Hi John

7.3 was the first release that contained the cockpit. Now with the just released 7.4 versions many features were added to meet missing requirements that have been early detected. Please have a look at the lastet N&N the get a brief abstract: https://developer.axonivy.com/releases/ivy/latest/documents/doc/newAndNoteworthy/NewAndNoteworthy.html

The new cockpit comes with a rich feature-set and new stuff that did not exist in the AdminUI. Such as

  • the streamlined configuration browser (out of multiple sources).
  • connection tester: fast feedback for configured REST/DB/WS clients
  • log viewer / downloader
  • drag & drop http based deployment wizard

Of course the feature-set of the new cockpit has been strongly prioritized in order to implement the most wanted features first. Personally I think that the current feature-set is a huge step forward in comparison to the 7.0 LTS Admin UI. The cockpit is not just a rewriting into HTML, but a real successor with nice new features.

But I am curious on your detailed feedback. Do you see still see any crucial feature missing in the 7.4 version?

Greetings from the DevDay in Munich,



answered 17.09.2019 at 15:46

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

edited 18.09.2019 at 03:31

Hi Reguel

For example if I want to configure DefaultPages, FilesDirectory etc it's not working with app.yaml and Docker image (nothing is written to the sys db/iwa_application and iwa_applicationproperty).

So the workaround with 7.2.1 was to use the ULC client to do the configuration. But with 7.3.1 the properties are not available anymore (in cockpit).

Regards John

(18.09.2019 at 05:30) John Moser John%20Moser's gravatar image

Do you see still see any crucial features missing in the 7.4 version

The crucial issue is that we have to upgrade to Java 11 and primefaces in order to run 7.4. That is some kind of a showstopper.

(18.09.2019 at 05:53) John Moser John%20Moser's gravatar image

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Asked: 17.09.2019 at 12:40

Seen: 1,173 times

Last updated: 18.09.2019 at 05:53