We get an error of the Elasticsearch by saving a BusinessObject over the ivy.repo with a field of type
The problem ist clear. The field "details.data.Value1" is a date field and i try to store a String. But the definition of our BusinessObject is different to that!
Why does Elasticsearch change the given attribute to a date field, although we just fill in String values? We decided not to use JSON objects instead of our Map, because of the easy handling in further uses. asked 31.07.2019 at 04:33 Adrian Imfeld |
Hi Adrian As it looks like Elasticsearch converts the result of To avoid this problem you have two possibilities:
I recommend solution 2. answered 05.08.2019 at 02:36 Andreas Rusch Solution one is not what we want. Solution two works fine. ...but it still makes no sense to me. The code as follow works: helper.setParam("Value1", (new Date() as java.util.Date).toString()); Sorry, but for me it looks like a bug in ivy.
(26.08.2019 at 10:03)
Adrian Imfeld
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Asked: 31.07.2019 at 04:33
Seen: 12,166 times
Last updated: 26.08.2019 at 10:05