Hey Community The ivy.core team just started to release a BETA version of MacDesigner. How is you user experience with it? Can you work with it on a daily basis? Please share issues or work-arounds that only occur on the MAC platform so that we can improve our work. Download: Outlook:
Looking for a 7.0 version? https://answers.axonivy.com/questions/3156/is-there-anyway-to-run-ivy-designer-7-0-on-macos |
XATTR Problem If I download and run the Axon.ivy Designer with Safari on my High Sierra the Designer does not start. The unzipped 'Axon.ivy Designer.app' can not be booted: (fails with an Eclipse window stating that the Engine boot failed -> See /logs Occasionally a dialog could appear that warn the user about the app verification: Cause:
Gray Process Editor The Designers shows only a grayed out editing window when I open a new process with the Process Editor. Work-Around:
Designer boots with gray empty front-end The Designers boots but shows only a gray empty window. Cause:
This answer is marked "community wiki".
hi there here are some more observations I made:
these are not so important issues, yet they can be annoying. perhaps at some point they could be addressed.
Hi Reguel Thanks very much! Apparently when you remove the following line from the Axon.Ivy Designer.ini -Dorg.eclipse.swt.internal.carbon.smallFonts at least the project explorer font size get's bigger. The only one I was not able to set via preferences. Still the process designer is very small, so the issue remains even having removed the above line. in regards to inscribe: I'll let you know, when I run into that issue again. I didn't yet today, but I did quite regularly restart Designer today. speaking of the devil "not being able to inscribe", it happened. No, also in the outline view, I am not able to open the inscribe dialog. no log entries... Hi there again another observation is that simulating a process (even in fastest setting) is quite lame. this takes unnecessary time. perhaps the speed of the simulation can be raised? another point: sometimes, I have the feeling, after you abort a running process by hitting the red stop button in the top bar, the designer engine is gone. in my browser window I get a site can't be reached, connection refused. again, restart is the only thing that helps. many thanks, p
Hi @peterw81 I hope you are still valiantly working with the Mac Designer.app. Thanks to your effort we have a bunch of issues solved on 8.0.5. 😍 However the 'Browser' and 'Inscribe' bug still bothers us. For the browser we have meanwhile other customers facing similar issues on different platforms - maybe they can provide data on the cause. But for both bugs recording 'thread dumps' could be the solution. Very likely an EVENT thread (e.g. AWT) is blocked. Can you record a thread dump using visualvm when you face one of the issues next time? https://visualvm.github.io/ You can create Thread Dumps most conveniently using VisualVM. Install and open it:
Hi there, I'll see what I can do about the thread dump and video for the simulation speed. Frankly, there is another issue that is really frustrating me. Intermittently "Jump to referenced process" is crashing Designer. This is really really bad, since I use it very frequently. Again, it keeps just hanging and no log entries. All there is left to do is killing the OS process and restarting it (which is again a time-consuming matter) As for the browser: it's not the internal browser that can't connect, it's my external Chrome that can't open the site anymore. I don't use the internal browser at all. Also sometimes values set in an inscribe dialog are not being saved. This means I always have to double check if it stored my code and/or values. This takes a lot of time, since Designer is generally speaking not very responsive. Frustration levels rise when you push a button and it takes several moments (seconds) until something happens. I hear from windows users issues along the same lines. Thanks a lot @peterw81
The hint with using the 'jumping to referenced process' action was very helpful. I could reproduce this when using the menu on a process activity and reported the issue: Hi there, many thanks for the hint with pressing J, i'll try to do that and keep you posted. Glad you can now reproduce the issue! Hopefully this can be fixed soon-isch. Hey @peterw81 We've just fixed the 'thread blocking' issue that arose when using the menu 'jump to referenced process'. If you want to play with the improved designer you can get it here: https://dev.axonivy.com/permalink/nightly/axonivy-designer-macosx-beta.zip But be aware that this is the leading edge version - already containing 9.1 features which may not comply with 8.0. It would be interesting for us if there are any blocking issues left.... At any rate, 8.0.5 can be expected in a few days and will also contain the fix :-) sorry, didn't have time to play. also, if it's not 8.0 compliant, then the risk is too high for me to use it. I'd rather wait for 8.0.5. good new for Apple users: Axon.ivy Designer.app 8.0.5 is available https://dev.axonivy.com/download Enjoy @peterw81
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having started to work with it now there are two details that I observed:
(on windows CTRL-SHIFT-T and CTRL-SHIFT-R) are not working when the focus is in a process map. the shortcut only works when the focus is in the process explorer (COMMAND instead of CTRL of course). also at times no shortcuts at all work (e.g. undo !, then all that works is selected from the menu, which is annoying)
also the I didn't find a way to set a default for the zoom on a process map, which means I always have to zoom twice when opening any sort of process.
sometimes the code tab (or output tab) is shown without text, see image below:
unfortunately I can't find the designer logs. I checked the log4j config file located in ../Contents/Eclipse/configuration/log4jconfig.xml user.dir=/Applications/Axon.ivy Designer.app/Contents/MacOS but there is no log. I double the write permissions on the directory, which should be okay. Also I tried to place a fixed path to the log directory. no luck. how is anyone else getting on with the logging? console (runtime) log is hence also not working.
thanks very much reguel for this infos. what is your gut-feeling about when this runtime log issue will be resolved. shortcuts, zoom and all the other stuff I could live with, but no runtime log is a huge problem. showstopper if you will, which means back to windows .-( I agree that this is really a big issue. So I'll enforce it to be done by the third-level support - so that at least a hotfix can be provided to make it work. An 8.0.5 with the final fix is currently planned to be released in a month. That'd be much appreciated, thanks very much for your efforts and continuous help! You are welcome @peterw81 We just published a work-around for the logging issue here: https://answers.axonivy.com/questions/4418/where-to-find-engine-logs-using-the-mac-designer Please verify that it work for you and leave a comment either way on your experience. hi there again. thanks for the workaround. yes, I now can see the eclipse/logs/ivy.log being written to. Also adding a ivy.log.setLevel(Level.ALL); helps seeing the runtime log. I changed the log4jconfig.xml <root> <level value="ALL"/> <appender-ref ref="FileLog"/> <appender-ref ref="ConsoleAppender"/> </root> Now I get runtime log entries as expected. Thanks for testing @peterw81 Meanwhile we have are stabilizing a real fix for 8.0.5 so in about four weeks these log issues will be gone without manual hacking. From then on I'd recommend to remove the ~/xpertivy/log4jconfig.xml and stick to the standard impl. brilliant, thanks for the good news.
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hi there, thanks again for your reply. I understand your point, I am considering not using virtualisation. currently my vm has 1024mb graphic memory, allows 3d acceleration, uses openGL rendering rather then metal (since I read in VMware forums that those two don't go well together), 3 CPU cores and 10GB memory. I cleared out lots of unnecessary apps and services and tried to slim it down. also I have a rather new ssd (2018). Thanks again very much for all your support and thoughts. |
Hello. I tested the memory issue and realized that you actually should increase The "java" process shown with 1G is actually the process for elasticsearch so you shouldn't worry much about it. Here is some sample configuration that uses more memory. You can also enable heap status like on the screenshot by going to preferences ->General and Show heap status |
Hi there My experience has been okay so far. A few remarks:
When running it from a shell I get an error: ./Axon.ivy\ Designer Error: could not find libjava.dylib Failed to GetJREPath() Unable to create basic Accelerated OpenGL renderer. Core Image is now using the software OpenGL renderer. This will be slow. I found this to be a bug:https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8213362
it never uses more memory than shown above. Building the workspace is taking very long (5-10 minutes).
On windows this can be done by renaming the .exe and .ini files. Designer 1 runs on 8081, Designer 2 on 8082... This would also be essential. I'd love to work with it, but it's too slow for now. Any help is greatly appreciated. Many thanks advance and regards, Peter thanks a lot for pointing on these shortcomings of the current designer.
hi there, many thanks for your reply. Thanks for pointing out how to install Oracle JDK using home-brew. That's very useful. I'll check out your scripts tonight. As for the memory issue, I was wondering if the java process could be the integrated tomcat, but then again the .ini file is set to 5 min and 5 max gb heap. I'd assume that the Ivy Designer process as shown above would allocate 5g of memory, which it doesn't. It always stays around 2.7g up to 2.9g. Generally speaking, how is the memory allocated between the physical Designer process and the java process shown in the picture above? Thanks again for your efforts. I'd really love to work with MacOS. As of now I have to use windows, unfortunately. |
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Asked: 13.02.2019 at 10:25
Seen: 18,463 times
Last updated: 12.05.2020 at 09:40