Is it possible to get somehow the client IP-Address, when the user opens a User Dialog? For example the user is logged in and have the task list open, then opens one Task => start Method of an "User Dialog" gets called. And after this i would like to add an Script step (or anything else) to read the users client IP Address.

I already tried to find it somewhere in "ivy.session" or "ivy.request" without success.


asked 03.12.2018 at 11:59

fnuhs's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

There is no safe way to get it, but basically you can interpret the request headers as described here:

To get access to this API you just need to cast the the IRequest instance up:

IRequest request = Ivy.request();
if (request instanceof IHttpRequest)
  HttpServletRequest tomcatRequest = (IHttpRequest)Ivy.request()).getHttpServletRequest();
  // do header analysis...

answered 04.12.2018 at 02:54

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

edited 04.12.2018 at 03:37

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Asked: 03.12.2018 at 11:59

Seen: 952 times

Last updated: 04.12.2018 at 03:37