Hi guys

I am trying to save business case data inside a "script step" after a user dialog and I get the following error:

Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Integrity constraint violation - no parent SYS_FK_720 table: IWA_CASE in statement [INSERT INTO IWA_BusinessCaseData (BUSINESSDATAID, OBJECTTYPE, BUSINESSCASEID) VALUES (?, ?, ?)]

Funny thing is, if I save the same data after resp. in a user task, there is no error.

Thanks John

asked 19.11.2018 at 08:27

John%20Moser's gravatar image

John Moser
accept rate: 0%

edited 19.11.2018 at 08:27


You have first to persist your case. Just use the Case Map feature or create a task switch before your script step or set "persist task on creation" and first "Only WF users" in the start request:

Persist task on creation


answered 19.11.2018 at 08:41

Christian%20Strebel's gravatar image

Christian St... ♦
accept rate: 88%

edited 19.11.2018 at 09:48

SupportIvyTeam's gravatar image

SupportIvyTeam ♦♦

Thanks ! ... after checking "Only Wf users" and "Persist task ..." I am now able to store the bc w/o error.

(19.11.2018 at 09:04) John Moser John%20Moser's gravatar image

Hi there,

I came across the same problem and checking the Only Wf + Persist task on the start element works, but this leads to a "Developer user" to be created which I don't need and it stays there. Can you elaborate a bit more on the other options to avoid the error? My setup is that I Start the process, then I have a User Dialog, then after this I save the business case data with script(so no user tasks in between).



answered 09.04.2019 at 08:30

xchatter's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The Developer user is only created and available in the Designer. If you deploy our application on a Server you have to be logged in with a user to run this task.

(12.04.2019 at 11:00) Lukas Lieb ♦♦ Lukas%20Lieb's gravatar image

Hi there. The issue is that we don't want this task to stay in the system, so we want to get rid of it(without making some user actually interact with it).

(14.04.2019 at 22:06) xchatter xchatter's gravatar image

Please have a look at our example WorkflowDemos (https://developer.axonivy.com/doc/latest/DesignerGuideHtml/ivy.processmodeling.html#ivy.actions.importproject.demoprojects), there are processes which works with BusinessData. If you do it the same way as it is done in there, it should work.

(16.04.2019 at 05:33) Lukas Lieb ♦♦ Lukas%20Lieb's gravatar image

Hi Ivy Team !

It is the same on my side. Those tasks that are generated every time on process start, can we somehow get rid of them? i.e. assign them to SYSTEM ?

Best Regards, Yordan


answered 11.04.2019 at 09:54

Stelt0's gravatar image

accept rate: 12%

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Asked: 19.11.2018 at 08:27

Seen: 1,842 times

Last updated: 16.04.2019 at 05:33