On my machine I have VisualVM with the Axon.ivy Plugin installed and running. Now I start an Engine and deploy an App with some SOAP Webservices. If I start a process witch trigger one of these webservices, nothing shows up in my VisualVM SOAP Web Services tab. The same issue is appearing in the External Databases Charts tab.

asked 05.11.2018 at 06:10

Lukas%20Lieb's gravatar image

Lukas Lieb ♦♦
accept rate: 61%

Try to restart your VisualVM. After that the SOAP Webservices and the External Databases should be refreshed. The VisualVM does only show Webservices and External Databases in the Chartstree if they ran at least one time.

Before: alt text

After VisualVM restart: alt text


answered 05.11.2018 at 06:17

Lukas%20Lieb's gravatar image

Lukas Lieb ♦♦
accept rate: 61%

edited 05.11.2018 at 06:28

SupportIvyTeam's gravatar image

SupportIvyTeam ♦♦

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Asked: 05.11.2018 at 06:10

Seen: 1,628 times

Last updated: 05.11.2018 at 06:28