Hi Ivy team, I have a question that In Ivy 7.1 when I clear data in calendar, it is automatically refilled into calendar's field but in Ivy 6.2, it doesnt not react like this

Here is my code: alt text

and the image below is the result when clearing data of calendar in ivy 6. However, In Ivy 7.1, it still shows a validation message and old data. alt text

Do you have any suggestion for this problem?

asked 04.07.2018 at 06:35

thminh's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 04.07.2018 at 07:35

I don't quite get your problem. What does the image represent here? Is it Ivy 6.2 or Ivy 7.1?

(04.07.2018 at 07:29) ToanLC ToanLC's gravatar image

the image is for ivy 6.2.

(04.07.2018 at 07:32) thminh thminh's gravatar image

Whats obvious is that ivy 6.2 runs with an old version of Primefaces. Therefore the widgets could be buggy or behave different. See https://developer.axonivy.com/releases/ivy/latest/documents/doc/migrationNotes/MigrationNotesDesigner7.0.html#primefaces61

...but I have no useful input how to avoid the behaviour...

(04.07.2018 at 07:42) Reguel Werme... ♦♦ Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

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Asked: 04.07.2018 at 06:35

Seen: 1,394 times

Last updated: 04.07.2018 at 07:42