Hi there, Can I get client java version when launching the RIA via JNLP file? Because my application has trouble with java version > 161 that when I using RLookupTextField and whole application is freezing and could not close. My solution: I will display RComboBox incase end user using java > 161. but when is using System.getProperty("java.version") it always return java version of Ivy server. Thank you for any support!!

asked 02.05.2018 at 22:58

dvcuong05's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 02.05.2018 at 23:59

Do you mean Java SE 8 Update 161?

I think that is not a good solution. Because everybody will update to the latest maintenance release of Java 8 - especially on client side. Two solutions:

  1. Remove RLookupTextField completely
  2. Solve the problem with the RLookupTextField. Do you know the problem? Is it really a bug in Java 8?
(03.05.2018 at 08:43) Alex Suter ♦♦ Alex%20Suter's gravatar image

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Asked: 02.05.2018 at 22:58

Seen: 1,152 times

Last updated: 14.05.2018 at 05:09