Hi everyone,

May I ask how can we change the port of elasticsearch of Ivy Engine? I change the http.port attribute inside elasticsearch.yml but it doesn't help.

I'm wondering if I'm missing anything here.

asked 18.04.2018 at 08:33

ToanLC's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

Why do you want to change the port of the bundled elasticsearch server? The engine handles that for you and you don't have to care about that. But maybe we miss a use case?

(18.04.2018 at 09:34) Alex Suter ♦♦ Alex%20Suter's gravatar image

Yes, I agree that it's great the engine handled it but currently I have 2 or 3 engine running on the same server and we stumble into which elasticsearch is running based on what engine, so I think it's better for us if we define it clearly for each engine.

(18.04.2018 at 22:06) ToanLC ToanLC's gravatar image

Hi @ToanLC

This is not configurable. The bundled ElasticSearch server starts from the first free port starting at 19000.

At the moment you only can use an external ElasticSearch server, then you would be free to define the port for that.


answered 18.04.2018 at 09:33

Alex%20Suter's gravatar image

Alex Suter ♦♦
accept rate: 84%

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Asked: 18.04.2018 at 08:33

Seen: 1,942 times

Last updated: 18.04.2018 at 22:06