How can I do that? I try to make a file chooser rich dialog but it shows only the files from the server. I want to see the ones from the client.

asked 07.10.2009 at 01:54

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Steffen Janthor
accept rate: 0%

Rich dialog logic is executed on the Iby server, so if you implement a file browser dialog that gets all the files of the file system, then you work on the file system of the server.

See the demo ImageUpload in the IvyDemos project to find out how you can work with the file system of the client.


answered 07.10.2009 at 08:06

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SupportIvyTeam ♦♦
accept rate: 77%

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Asked: 07.10.2009 at 01:54

Seen: 2,194 times

Last updated: 07.10.2009 at 01:54