Hi everyone, As i know that every role that are created by using Ivy Designer, its “isDynamic” property will be set to “False” as default. And we you the ivy script like this for example : ivy.wf.getSecurityContext().getTopLevelRole().createChildRole(“MyRole”, “DisplayNameOfMyRole”, “Description of MyRole”, true); We can set the “isDynamic” = true if we want .

Is there any API in Ivy that support us to get the “isDynamic” value ? just like in IRole API, you can use getDisplayName() to get the “DisplayNameTemplate” or getName() to get the “Name” of role

Thanks. alt text

asked 01.11.2017 at 03:37

Khoi%20Phan's gravatar image

Khoi Phan
accept rate: 0%

edited 01.11.2017 at 03:38

You can access it by using internal API. But it could change at any release without notice...

public class RoleUtil {

    public static Boolean isDynamic(IRole role)
        if (role instanceof ch.ivyteam.ivy.security.internal.Role)
            ch.ivyteam.ivy.security.internal.Role internalRole = (ch.ivyteam.ivy.security.internal.Role)role;
        return null;


answered 03.11.2017 at 04:12

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

thanks for your suggestion

(12.11.2017 at 21:04) Khoi Phan Khoi%20Phan's gravatar image

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Asked: 01.11.2017 at 03:37

Seen: 710 times

Last updated: 12.11.2017 at 21:04