Hi ivyteam

I just downloaded the ivy designer for my windows 10 Pro(x64)

When i click to open designer, my windows say that: alt text

It does not happen on older version, i also tried with AxonIvyDesigner7.0.0.55921_Windows_x64 and also working fine.

Is this really something risk for my computer?


asked 30.10.2017 at 08:09

trungdv's gravatar image

accept rate: 52%

we had similar issues with older versions of the windows security scanner. As it applies heuristics to find insecure software. however until now this have always been false positives...

to be sure you could use another scanner and double check if similar warnings appear.

(31.10.2017 at 03:24) Reguel Werme... ♦♦ Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

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Asked: 30.10.2017 at 08:09

Seen: 1,078 times

Last updated: 31.10.2017 at 03:24

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