hi all

I have a static html file on my webcontent, now i want to access it by using url. Does ivy support it and how to do it?

Why i need it?

My project has swagger yaml file in webcontent so in order to open it, i can use swagger-ui. Only thing i need to do is: copy swagger-ui to webcontent, then open the index.html and browse to yaml file.

Does anyone know the way to make it on ivy? For the moment i need to introduce startlink to access this file but i don't like it much.

Another question, can we secure the access to file in webcontent?


asked 29.10.2017 at 23:58

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accept rate: 52%

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Asked: 29.10.2017 at 23:58

Seen: 1,213 times

Last updated: 29.10.2017 at 23:58