For example, a user is working on a task and closes the windows, when does the state of task change from resumed to suspended?

asked 11.10.2017 at 10:22

SupportIvyTeam's gravatar image

SupportIvyTeam ♦♦
accept rate: 77%

The state of the task will be changed from RESUMED to SUSPENDED as soon as the session will be destroyed. This transition is called reset ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.ITask.reset(). There are multiple reasons why the session will be destroyed:

  • the session simply expires
  • the user actively logout

There is also an API method to logout an user:

And have look here in the sub chapter Task with session timeout:


answered 11.10.2017 at 10:33

Alex%20Suter's gravatar image

Alex Suter ♦♦
accept rate: 84%

edited 11.10.2017 at 10:46

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Asked: 11.10.2017 at 10:22

Seen: 2,035 times

Last updated: 11.10.2017 at 10:46