Hello Ivy Team, As you know, lombok is using for reducing boilerplate code. But applying for Ivy project is quite very difficult:
If you have other idea or other way for configuration, pls let me know! Many thanks! Hap Em, asked 11.10.2017 at 02:42 Hap Em |
What I know is that from the ivy.core there has been some investigation in making the In my opinion there is also no big need to use lombok in ivy projects. Yes you have some extra features such as builders for your pojos. But we already provide a simple way to define POJOs via DataClasses. As with lombok you have an easy Editor to define classes and its properties. And you have the same drawbacks such as very weak refactoring support... answered 11.10.2017 at 06:40 Reguel Werme... ♦♦ Hello Reguel, In the XIVY-1606, I saw you have the patch "lombokOptions.patch" --> As i understand, the change code is using for annotationProcessors (especially, lombok project). What is the status of this code? is it merged to new ivy version? Thanks! Hap Em,
(13.10.2017 at 04:15)
Hap Em
The idea was to make options from the JDT compiler, such as annotationProcessing, available for users of the project-build-plugin. The driver for it was lombok.
But as lombok annotation processing did not solve the lombok build issues when using the project-build-plugin, we also did not invent these options as part of the project-build-plugin
(13.10.2017 at 04:37)
Reguel Werme... ♦♦
Is there any update on this? Do annotation processors work out of the box for newer platforms (7.0+)?
(06.12.2019 at 03:08)
Hi @TareqK no unfortunately this issue got no priority on the roadmap so there is still no native support for it. What can work for some cases where annotation magic is required:
But I'd only do this in an isolated base project with a specific scope. Since ivy compile functionality will be missing...
(06.12.2019 at 11:15)
Reguel Werme... ♦♦
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Asked: 11.10.2017 at 02:42
Seen: 3,287 times
Last updated: 06.12.2019 at 11:16