I want to load rich dialogs into a display but I want to allow only one instance for one rich dialog. If a rich dialog is started that is already loaded in the display, then the already loaded rich dialog should be selected. Does anyone have an idea how I can achieve this? |
You must implement this on your own. But it is pretty simple. The trick is to delegate the opening of each rich dialog to a central place. For each rich dialog that should be opened, you pass the information to the central location. There you maintain a list or registry of all the rich dialogs that are already open. So, when a new dialog should be loaded, you check in the registry if the dialog is already loaded. If yes, you get already loaded dialog form the registry and select it. If not, then you start the new rich dialog and add it to the registry. |
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Asked: 17.07.2009 at 04:55
Seen: 1,935 times
Last updated: 17.07.2009 at 04:55