Hi everyone, I have an issue with single quote character (') by using String ch.ivyteam.ivy.cm.IContentManagementSystem.co(String uri, List formatObjects).
When I used this Etes-vous âgé-e-s d'au moins {0} ? in CMS, it is displayed on view as Etes-vous âgé-e-s dau moins {0} ?.
When I used this Etes-vous âgé-e-s dau moins {0} ? (without ') in CMS, it is displayed on view as Etes-vous âgé-e-s dau moins 18 ?.
Could you please help me on this? Thank you.

asked 23.08.2017 at 00:15

Bao%20Tran's gravatar image

Bao Tran
accept rate: 0%

edited 23.08.2017 at 00:19

Because you use {0} in your cms Java Message Format is used to format the string. Java Message Format will remove a single ' character. Instead of using a single ' character duplicate the character:

Etes-vous âgé-e-s d''au moins {0} ?

This will be displayed on the view as:

Etes-vous âgé-e-s d'au moins {0} ?


answered 23.08.2017 at 02:54

Reto%20Weiss's gravatar image

Reto Weiss ♦♦
accept rate: 74%

Thank you very much.

(23.08.2017 at 02:59) Bao Tran Bao%20Tran's gravatar image

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Asked: 23.08.2017 at 00:15

Seen: 1,801 times

Last updated: 23.08.2017 at 02:59