I have a callable sub process, but when it reaches the Sub End element it throws exception, which i could not figure it why... alt text

asked 22.08.2017 at 04:12

Tano93's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Please see the Result Tab at your Callable Subprocess Start Element, this script is executed if the callable subprocess ends.

Have a nice day Christian


answered 22.08.2017 at 04:28

Christian%20Strebel's gravatar image

Christian St... ♦
accept rate: 88%

Thanks, I have found that something is wrong in the start element :)

(22.08.2017 at 05:45) Tano93 Tano93's gravatar image

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Asked: 22.08.2017 at 04:12

Seen: 1,043 times

Last updated: 22.08.2017 at 05:45