Dear all,

since the end of 2016 we are able to store utf-8 / unicode characters in mssql databases (see #2210 - How to store mandarin chinese text into a MsSql database). But we tried to use this posibility with the mail activity. But we have no succes :-(

The internal fields in the data clause which will be passed to the mail are correct. But the result will show ? for each unicode character. For exanple: CHANGE: Expiration date changed ????SHANGHAI

What can we do that the sended / received mails will contain unicode characters.

Best Regards Dieter

asked 11.05.2017 at 10:39

Dieter%20Staudt's gravatar image

Dieter Staudt
accept rate: 50%


We will add support for Unicode characters in Mail subject and content with version 5.0.12, 6.0.8 and 6.7.


Reto Weiss, Axon.ivy Support


answered 08.06.2017 at 03:59

Reto%20Weiss's gravatar image

Reto Weiss ♦♦
accept rate: 74%

Dear Reto, thank you the answer. Please can you tell me the release date of the versions.



(08.06.2017 at 04:18) Dieter Staudt Dieter%20Staudt's gravatar image

It is not yet defined. Most of the time we release if we have some bugs fixed on this versions. If you need it asap I could also provide you a hotfix.

(08.06.2017 at 11:40) Reto Weiss ♦♦ Reto%20Weiss's gravatar image

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Asked: 11.05.2017 at 10:39

Seen: 1,910 times

Last updated: 08.06.2017 at 11:40