Hi Ivy.team,

I have a concern when trying to attach a param names "lang" to an URL. Ex: http://localhost:8081/ivy/pro/designer/abc/15A6EF8EF2C5F61B/start.ivp?lang=EN

And it returns null when extract by using ivy.request.getFirstParameter("lang").

Then, I change it to "language" as below. http://localhost:8081/ivy/pro/designer/abc/15A6EF8EF2C5F61B/start.ivp?language=EN Now it returns value EN with ivy.request.getFirstParameter("language") as I expect.

Is lang a keywork or something which couldn't use for url param?

Asked by @thienqh

asked 21.04.2017 at 15:47

Alex%20Suter's gravatar image

Alex Suter ♦♦
accept rate: 84%

edited 21.04.2017 at 15:58

Yes @thienqh, you are right. 'lang' is a parameter that is interpreted by the framework and therefore not usable for project implementations.

See the attached screenshot for a class that lists the 'lang' and other reserved request parameters.

alt text


answered 24.04.2017 at 03:31

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

edited 24.04.2017 at 03:32

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Asked: 21.04.2017 at 15:47

Seen: 1,895 times

Last updated: 24.04.2017 at 03:32