hi all

I have html dialog and an event as below: alt text It look quite simple because normally we don't put much code on ivy script, we handle most of them on java class (able to test, less confliction) But because of our business we need to reach Process End or Exit element by some conditions in order to continue workflow. Somehow in java class i need to produce this condition value and return it back to ivy data class in order to use on Alternative element.

So my question is can we call process End or Exit element in java? or maybe just Exit element or should we do that?


asked 30.03.2017 at 05:08

trungdv's gravatar image

accept rate: 52%

We do not provide any API to call Process End or Exit End programmatically.

What's in your point of view wrong with the Alternative Element? Personally, I think you should see the flow of the process in a BPM diagramm. Your approach would hide such important information.


answered 30.03.2017 at 16:51

Alex%20Suter's gravatar image

Alex Suter ♦♦
accept rate: 84%

hi @Alex Suter ♦♦ Yes if we user ivy process so we need to use this element but somehow i have my own managed bean which has method, then i want when i call my method it can exit from dialog programmatically.

(31.03.2017 at 13:28) trungdv trungdv's gravatar image

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Asked: 30.03.2017 at 05:08

Seen: 2,099 times

Last updated: 31.03.2017 at 13:28