Hello Ivy Team,

Is it possible to override the default email templates that are sent by the task notifications ? Mainly I want to change their branding according to customer specifications.

Best Regards, Yordan

asked 20.03.2017 at 06:57

Stelt0's gravatar image

accept rate: 12%

That should be already well described in the engine documentation. Just look at the chapter "Application Default Settings" > "Email Content Creation Process".


If you have any further questions, let us know.


answered 20.03.2017 at 08:24

Alex%20Suter's gravatar image

Alex Suter ♦♦
accept rate: 84%

edited 20.03.2017 at 08:45

is there an existing demo project for that ?

(04.04.2017 at 09:59) Stelt0 Stelt0's gravatar image

The JsfWorkflowUi has an own implementation for the mail content creation. Have a look at the processes DailyTaskSummaryMailContent and NewTaskMailContent in <engine dir>\projects\JsfWorkflowUi.iar

(04.04.2017 at 10:30) Alex Suter ♦♦ Alex%20Suter's gravatar image

thanks a lot ! :)

(04.04.2017 at 14:37) Stelt0 Stelt0's gravatar image

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Asked: 20.03.2017 at 06:57

Seen: 2,087 times

Last updated: 04.04.2017 at 14:37