Hi Ivyteam,

According to the javadoc: alt text

I try to store the value by using IDatacach with lifetime's value is 0. Then I expected that it will be expired after 1 minute. But unfortunately, it seems to be infinite time in IvyCach, even I call it again after 5 minutes.

After Hau Tran's TA guy dig into the ivy source code. He found that, there is one condition to check like that if (lifetime > 0) in the method processGroup and processEntry of DataCacheInvalidationJob class.

Now, you see that the java doc make me consufed about the lifetime's explanation.

I am looking forward to hearing any ideas from you :)

Vuong Vu

asked 14.02.2017 at 05:56

vhsvuong's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

To expire the cache after one minute I would pass '60' as lifetime (in seconds).

However the fact that the value zero (0) behaves like -1 is for legacy reasons. For a long time the cache was accidentally wrong implemented (lifetime > 0). So many implementations in the field already rely on the fact that 0 is also cached forever. And we'll not change the implementation to keep these old projects happy.

In my opinion it also makes no sense to use a cache which is only valid for less than a second.


answered 17.02.2017 at 14:35

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

edited 17.02.2017 at 15:46

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Asked: 14.02.2017 at 05:56

Seen: 1,059 times

Last updated: 17.02.2017 at 15:46