Hi ivyteam For the moment, ivy data class always extend from CompositeObject and we have no way to change it. But there is a need to have that feature. Does ivyteam have plan to support it?

asked 09.02.2017 at 02:44

trungdv's gravatar image

accept rate: 52%

There is nothing planned to remove this parent class. However you are always free to use your own custom POJO hierarchy and avoid the usage of the DataClasses where their design does not fulfill your needs.

What's your reason to avoid the parent class?


answered 17.02.2017 at 14:38

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

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Asked: 09.02.2017 at 02:44

Seen: 1,557 times

Last updated: 17.02.2017 at 14:38