Hi team,

I am using Axon Ivy Designer 6.3. And our project is growing up fast. So my workspace have a lot of projects. I want to group them to some working set.

Is there any way to create Working set in Process Development and Process model perspective? Now i can only create in Java perspective. If not, do you have plan for it?


asked 27.12.2016 at 09:42

Cuong%20Le's gravatar image

Cuong Le
accept rate: 0%

edited 27.12.2016 at 09:45

Thanks for feedback. Currently there is no support for Working sets in the Axon.ivy Project view and nothing is planned. If this is a regular issue, please contact the VN-Architecture-Team, they have the chance to add this improvement to the most-wanted-fixes list.


answered 28.12.2016 at 09:20

Flavio%20Sadeghi's gravatar image

Flavio Sadeghi ♦♦
accept rate: 75%

Yes, card is added.

(30.12.2016 at 03:13) Genzer Hawker Genzer%20Hawker's gravatar image

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Asked: 27.12.2016 at 09:42

Seen: 1,930 times

Last updated: 30.12.2016 at 03:13