Hi Administrators

I was surprised today that I cannot login using my email as I usually did. I had requested temporary access several times because I thought something wrong with my password.

It turned out that I was wrong when using my email as the username. Using my Screen Name (the one I expected to serve only for displaying on the screen), I was able to login normally.

My questions:

  • Could we enable logging using just our emails?
  • Can we somehow update the login screen label to "Your Screen Name" instead of local user name? It's quite confusing because I don't know what my local user name is.

Thanks for your time

asked 20.12.2016 at 05:10

Genzer%20Hawker's gravatar image

Genzer Hawker
accept rate: 66%

edited 20.12.2016 at 05:13

Not related to this question but also about usage of this forum:

  • How can i make a code block when i add comment to the question (easy to read code) ? randomly i have that feature once but don't now why i can make it.

  • How to mention a specific person in a post. i try with @ but it does not work. I also have some difficuties when make a new line here,...

It's better if you have guideline somewhere. Thanks

(20.12.2016 at 05:31) trungdv trungdv's gravatar image

Hi @trungdv, You can use code block by indent it with 4 spaces each line.

public class Test {
    private final int number;
(20.12.2016 at 05:41) Genzer Hawker Genzer%20Hawker's gravatar image

Thanks for the feedback.

  1. I have just updated the text on the login page, as suggested to ‘screen name’. Login with the email is not supported by OSQA.

  2. There is a question mark on the upper right corner of the question/answer text field. It links to the markdown syntax.

Basically our Q&A software is based on OSQA. There is no further development on the project. So in my opinion we could/should think about a replacement and send the OSQA to its deserved retirement – maybe next year... ;-)


answered 20.12.2016 at 10:38

Flavio%20Sadeghi's gravatar image

Flavio Sadeghi ♦♦
accept rate: 75%

edited 20.12.2016 at 12:33

Thank Flavio for the information. May be we can try out other open-source platform like Discourse (as we did with our https://discourse.axonivy.io).

(20.12.2016 at 10:43) Genzer Hawker Genzer%20Hawker's gravatar image

Yes. Whats the scope of the https://discourse.axonivy.io? Would it make sense to merge these two? Means, importing the Q&A into the discourse..

(20.12.2016 at 12:43) Flavio Sadeghi ♦♦ Flavio%20Sadeghi's gravatar image

Hi @Flavio Sadeghi: https://discourse.axonivy.io aims to provide a platform where Axon.ivy developers can discuss many things regarding software development. ivy is one of the most active category right now but not the only one. As of now, the members are mostly Vietnamese developers (it's been running internally for a while but only been online since this Nov).

(22.12.2016 at 11:56) Genzer Hawker Genzer%20Hawker's gravatar image

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Asked: 20.12.2016 at 05:10

Seen: 1,799 times

Last updated: 22.12.2016 at 11:57