I try to setup a maven build workflow both for continuous integration and for build release. So I try to build present project with Maven but face this issue

Failed to execute goal on project MyProject: Could not resolve dependencies for project MyProject:MyProject:iar:9.0.0-SNAPSHOT: Failed to collect dependencies at ch.ivyteam.ivy.addons:ch.ivyteam.ivy.addons:iar:[6000000.0.0-SNAPSHOT,): No versions available for ch.ivyteam.ivy.addons:ch.ivyteam.ivy.addons:iar:[6000000.0.0-SNAPSHOT,) within specified range -> [Help 1]

I've try several combination of version but I I think the issue is only that there is no repository know to my maven installation containing ivy.addons.

I can hack it by installing ivy.addons locally but this kind of suck since we will have to manually install them forever, it kinda kill the idea of automatic dependence resolution if we have to install them every time. So is there a repository for Maven to download Axon dependencies?


asked 12.12.2016 at 16:09

RemiMorin's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

edited 14.12.2016 at 08:47

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦

There is no public repository yet. So yes, deploy the IvyAddOns to your own repository or copy it to your workspace (and yes, it would be builded too).

We could not deploy the current IvyAddOns to a public repository, because it contains a library (aspose) which is licensed to be shipped as part of the product...


answered 13.12.2016 at 09:58

Flavio%20Sadeghi's gravatar image

Flavio Sadeghi ♦♦
accept rate: 75%

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Asked: 12.12.2016 at 16:09

Seen: 2,582 times

Last updated: 14.12.2016 at 08:47