Hello Every body! Look at the bellow picture, I have 2 database steps: 1. For the first step, it'll create a LOCAL temporary table and store the data in this table (For ex: It is named '#SUPERIOR') 2. The seconds step, it'll get data from '#SUPERIOR' But, we have some strange behaviors that sometimes it can not get data from '#SUPERIOR' temporary table. I guess that the '#SUPERIOR' is already dropped (because connection is closed --> local temporary table is dropped) before step 2 is executed. Our application have a lot of users that can access concurrency (more than 1000 users) Could you pls give me some ideas? Thanks for your help! This is sample of step1:
This is the sample for step2:
Regards, |
Hi Note that we use a so called connection pool in the background. Therefore it is not ensured that both database steps are executed in the same connection. Connections normally lives at least 10 minutes after they are used the last time. Since temporary tables lives only as long as the connection is open it may also be only visible to the connection in which it was generated? If this is the case it is clear that you sometimes get into trouble. The connection that generated the temporary table could also in the mean time be used by another db step that throws an error. In this case the connection is closed immediatly and the temporary table is removed. After that the seconds element is executed but the temporary table is already removed. To solve this issue it is possible to get a connection from the connection pool in pure java. Then you can created the temporary table and afterwards directly execute the query. Note that it is important to close the connection afterwards so that it is put back to the connection pool. Regards Axon.ivy Support Reto Weiss Thanks for your suggestion! Look at this link, i saw that your analysis seems to be correct! :) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2920836/local-and-global-temporary-tables-in-sql-server |
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Asked: 01.07.2016 at 10:56
Seen: 1,832 times
Last updated: 05.07.2016 at 04:52