Hi Ivy team

According to the public javadoc of SystemTaskFailureBehaviour

The following example shows how to set the behaviour:

ivy.response.setParameter("ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.SystemTaskFailureBehaviour", SystemTaskFailureBehaviour.FAIL_TASK_DO_NOT_RETRY);
If the behaviour is not set in the system task process the default behaviour is SystemTaskFailureBehaviour.FAIL_TASK_DO_RETRY.

However, the snippet above only applies for a particular process by setting parameters of the ivy.response.

Is there anyway that I can set SystemTaskFailureBehaviour.FAIL_TASK_DO_NOT_RETRY as default per application (or system)?


asked 04.04.2016 at 08:15

Genzer%20Hawker's gravatar image

Genzer Hawker
accept rate: 66%

edited 04.04.2016 at 08:17

Currently (with6.1 or older) it's not possible. The default behaviour is hardcoded to


With 6.2 we introduced a new System Property so that the default behaviour can be changed system wide. See the property 'SystemTask.Failure.Behaviour' in the AdminUI. First release that contains this property is the Sprint 7 release of Jakobshorn.


answered 04.04.2016 at 09:07

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

edited 08.04.2016 at 09:46


Hi Reguel,

I have on further question to the SystemTaskFailureBehaviour. If you set FAIL_TASK_DO_RETRY, how many times and in which time period the system will retry the task?

Regards, Dani

(16.09.2016 at 11:28) dharlach dharlach's gravatar image

According to the java docu above, if a system task fails, the system retries to execute the task after a defined period (if FAIL_TASK_DO_RETRY is set).

Can you tell me please, which default values Axon.ivy uses for a) number of retries b) waiting time between retries.

Thanks in advance.


answered 20.06.2017 at 09:29

peter_muc's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


the retries are endless. And the waiting time between the retry attempts are random to avoid timming issues. More concrete the retry time is expanded until it reaches 72h or something.

(21.06.2017 at 08:51) Reguel Werme... ♦♦ Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

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Asked: 04.04.2016 at 08:15

Seen: 2,710 times

Last updated: 21.06.2017 at 08:51