
how can I resume a process instance? E.g. a user exits a process before the process is ended. How can I display a overview of the not finished processes and let him or another user in a certain role resume at this specific point?


asked 03.04.2016 at 11:52

potea's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The process instance (Task) will automatically be available for other users that own the same role as soon as the first user reaches a session timeout.

Startable tasks can be retrieved via the TaskQuery API. E.g. like this:

public class Wf {
    public static List<ITask> workTasks()
        Query<ITask> query = TaskQuery.create().where()
        return Ivy.wf().getTaskQueryExecutor().getResults(query);

Samples of an overview table for startable tasks can be found in the standard workflow UIs. E.g. the JsfWorkflowUi or the Portal which can be deployed into your application. See /projects directory in your Axon.ivy Engine.


answered 04.04.2016 at 12:26

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

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Asked: 03.04.2016 at 11:52

Seen: 2,018 times

Last updated: 04.04.2016 at 12:26