Is it possible to create a task which has to be completed by every user of a specific role, which should be determined dynamically? I.e. if I have three users which own a role, all three users have to complete this task. The more convinient way would be, if all three get an own task in ther "Personal Task List".

Thanks in advance for any answers.

asked 07.01.2016 at 15:37

rhorber's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

You can query the users of a role with the following public API:"Everybody").getAllUsers();

Then you can draw a process that loops over a task switch and creates new user tasks until all users have one. The second task is a system task which continuous the execution until the list of users is empty.

alt text


answered 08.01.2016 at 15:01

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

edited 08.01.2016 at 15:01

Thank you for your answer, it works. But I had to save the names in a separate list and work with that list. The list with the users contains null after the task switch gateway.

(11.01.2016 at 14:58) rhorber rhorber's gravatar image

you are right, a list of ISession is not serializable. So you must store the name of the users as this is only a simple String serialization.

(13.01.2016 at 10:49) Reguel Werme... ♦♦ Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

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Asked: 07.01.2016 at 15:37

Seen: 2,958 times

Last updated: 13.01.2016 at 10:49