Hello! Is it possible to call a VBS-Script, e.g. "test.vbs" on the Client? The idea is to run the script to write data in the SAP-GUI which is also open on the client. Kind Regards, Helmut |
Here an example for a button to call a VBS-script from IE:
The local path of the vbs-script is set in global variable. E.g.:"C:\Daten\skript_IVY_Test.vbs" The security for the trusted zone in IE should include the IP and name of ivy-server. And set "initialize and script activex control not marked as safe" to "Prompt" in the security settings for trusted zone. |
Generally it seems to be possible to call VBS from JavaScript: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/466059/calling-vbscript-from-javascript-or-vice-versa So it should be possible to invoke it via the RequestContext framework, which let's you invoke javascript on the client: http://www.primefaces.org/showcase/ui/misc/requestContext.xhtml |
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Asked: 13.09.2015 at 00:27
Seen: 2,464 times
Last updated: 08.10.2015 at 11:42