I have a form containing a compontent. The form has the html ID "form" and the table in the component has the ID "table". I am not able to set an ID on the component, or to omit the components ID.

Therefore, if I want to update the table in the component it does not work. The reason for this is, that the tables ID is not "form:table" as expected, but "form:j_id_1j_1_1_2p:table".

How can I set or omit the components ID?

Thanks for your inputs.

asked 17.08.2015 at 15:34

Marcel%20von%20Wyl's gravatar image

Marcel von Wyl
accept rate: 100%

You can just add the id where you include the component. Here is an example from the HTML Demos (ComponentDemo.xhtml) where an id was added: alt text

This should also works with a table within the component. So it should be possible to update it without any problem.


answered 24.08.2015 at 15:21

Barbara%20Brugger's gravatar image

Barbara Brugger ♦♦
accept rate: 100%

well, thats works. however, the id attribute is not proposed in the code completion, why i thought, this won't work. maybe the ivy team could include this to make it clear.

(24.08.2015 at 15:58) Marcel von Wyl Marcel%20von%20Wyl's gravatar image

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Asked: 17.08.2015 at 15:34

Seen: 2,995 times

Last updated: 24.08.2015 at 15:58