
in one of our HTML Dialog, we use a datatable with Ivy Tasks in it. For that we use the ch.ivyteam.wf.common.TaskLazyDataModel as done in the jsfWFUI in the TaskList View. One of our column is #{task.case.name} and I really would like to be able to sort that column. Unfortunately, there CASE_NAME is not present in the TaskProperty Enum and if i figure how it work correctly, it must be there to be able to use sortBy="#{CASE_NAME}". Is there some way to do this ?

FTM I see two options :

  1. In the TaskProperty Enum I saw CUSTOM_VARCHAR_FIELD_1. Would it do the job ? If yes how does it work ? Do you have example(s - one would be enough) ?
  2. Making a table without the lazy part but that would be a problem if the app is heavily used.

Thank you for your answer Denis

asked 09.06.2015 at 16:57

dbalasse's gravatar image

accept rate: 25%

I manage to make it work by using CUSTOM_VARCHAR_FIELD_1. At the task creation, i put the case name in this custom field. This enables me to sort on this CUSTOM_VARCHAR_FIELD_1.

It's not the cleanest way to do it but it work. If you got something cleaner I would be happy to hear it

Thank you Denis


answered 09.06.2015 at 18:27

dbalasse's gravatar image

accept rate: 25%

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Asked: 09.06.2015 at 16:57

Seen: 2,623 times

Last updated: 01.07.2015 at 11:50