I saw in the JSF WorkflowUI that this tag is used :

< ic:ch.ivyteam.wf.login.Login id="loginPageComponent" />

In the interface of the login html dialog, the start method is


with no parameter or return. Is it possible to use this tag while passing parameters and retrieving a result by calling this start method ?


asked 23.04.2015 at 22:37

dbalasse's gravatar image

accept rate: 25%

Yes this is possible. See the Component Demos of the Html Dialog Demo Project. You can find the Html Dialog Demo project under "Ivy Designer Installation"/applications/samples. The usage in the jsf xhtml could the look like this:


The start method of the PersonComponent would then be:

start(Person person):void

answered 24.04.2015 at 08:19

Christian%20Strebel's gravatar image

Christian St... ♦
accept rate: 88%

edited 24.04.2015 at 08:20

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Asked: 23.04.2015 at 22:37

Seen: 6,033 times

Last updated: 24.04.2015 at 08:20