Hi all,

Is that possible to make a search for tasks by their description? A search by name is possible through:

TaskQuery stringFieldQuery = TaskQuery.create();
stringFieldQuery.where().name().isLike("search by name");

I guessed it was the same for the description but it seems to be unpossible to do such a TaskQuery for the description because the following code returns an IColumnFilterQuery and not an IStringColumnFilterQuery as for the name():

stringFieldQuery.where().description() // There is no isLike("...") method then.

Is there another possibility with the TaskQuery?

Thanks in advance


asked 09.06.2015 at 11:50

Emmanuel's gravatar image

accept rate: 66%

No, I think you can not do that with the current TaskQuery-API. This is a bug in the API definition. The difference is that the task name is stored as VARCHAR whereas the task description is a TEXT field depending on the DB system.

The same you will encounter in the CaseQuery-API.

Thanks for your post



answered 09.06.2015 at 15:13

Bruno%20B%C3%BCtler's gravatar image

Bruno Bütler
accept rate: 68%

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Asked: 09.06.2015 at 11:50

Seen: 2,145 times

Last updated: 09.06.2015 at 15:13