When overriding Default Pages as described in Server Guide (http://developer.axonivy.com/doc/5.0.latest/ServerGuideHtml/ivy.server.concepts.introduction.html) I have access to ID of the ended task (endedTaskId Parameter).

In my use case I need special end pages for some tasks. So I prefer using a individual JSP end page for each task. Is is possible to get the ID of the ended task in the JSP, too?

asked 28.05.2015 at 10:48

Timo%20Rupp's gravatar image

Timo Rupp
accept rate: 100%

Information provided by Dominik from Ivyteam:

You can get it by Request Parameter 'taskId'. This parameter is always provided when redirecting to a WebPage. Use it like this:

<%= request.getParameter("taskId") %>

Additionally you can use the API to get the ID and other data:

<%= ivy.wf.getCurrentTask().getId() %>
<%= ivy.wf.getCurrentTask().getState() %>

answered 28.05.2015 at 10:53

Timo%20Rupp's gravatar image

Timo Rupp
accept rate: 100%

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Asked: 28.05.2015 at 10:48

Seen: 2,301 times

Last updated: 28.05.2015 at 10:53