Is it possible to use my own, e.g., basic.xhtml template within the JSF User Dialog generator?

asked 12.05.2015 at 11:14

peter_muc's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Yes, it's possible.

Just put your .xhtml template into the webContent/layouts folder of your project. For more information refer to the Designer Guide


answered 12.05.2015 at 11:47

Dominik%20Regli's gravatar image

Dominik Regli ♦
accept rate: 85%

Hi Dominik, thanks for your quick answer. May we've got wrong each other. I would like to have my own template as an option within the User Dialog Generator (see screenshort). As an alternative it would be fine if I was able to edit e.g. the basic layout. Where can I find it?

Thanks in advance!

alt text

(12.05.2015 at 11:58) peter_muc peter_muc's gravatar image

After creating the first Html Dialog, the basic layout template will be copied to webContent/layouts. You can adjust it there as you like. The changes will be applied to all dialogs that refer to it.

If you put your own template to webContent/layouts it will show up in the list of available view types.

(12.05.2015 at 12:13) Dominik Regli ♦ Dominik%20Regli's gravatar image

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Asked: 12.05.2015 at 11:14

Seen: 1,502 times

Last updated: 12.05.2015 at 15:30