Hello ,

I currently use AxonIvy to create a workflow for users . I made a login screen with Name , Email and Password , but I need to set up the right conditions in order for the process not to go to the next step until the right password from the database is entered . Could you please help me with a script that I can correlate with the database password ?

Thank you , Anda

asked 01.04.2015 at 10:41

andachirita's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

If you use Axon.ivy User Management it is a very easy IvyScript:

boolean loginSuccessful = ivy.session.loginSessionUser("user_name", "password");

answered 08.04.2015 at 08:15

Christian%20Strebel's gravatar image

Christian St... ♦
accept rate: 88%

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Asked: 01.04.2015 at 10:41

Seen: 2,062 times

Last updated: 08.04.2015 at 08:15