In my module, I use element "Create report with database" on Axon.ivy 5.1. I don't use "designRepository" in so that I can define my own absolutely path. Like this:

  1. Disable the configuration in


  2. declare the path to report design files (.rptdesign) in my code:

    in.templateFilename = "E:/_vision/CONFIG/myReportDesign"

I am facing a problem when I've tried to integrate my module with another one which needs to define "designRepository" in It means that the another module needs to activate the configuration, like this:


In this case, I got an exception:

EngineException: The design file C:/MyReportRepo//E:/_vision/CONFIG/myReportDesign.rptdesign can not be found.

Until now, I've tried to find the way to get and modify the defined path. I mean I would try to ignore this "C:/MyReportRepo//" when it is activated, so that hope both mentioned modules can work.

I also try using element "Create dynamic report" instead but the demo doesn't work. I referenced this link:

Any help will be greatly appreciated!

asked 17.12.2014 at 11:37

nvhuong's gravatar image

accept rate: 66%

The birt extension is open source and is shared on ivySupplements@sourceforge. Your code could work with a very simple modification in IvyBirtReportService.getReportDesign(String).

* Return the absolute path of the report design. If a design repository
* exists, then the path will be calculated, otherwise the report design
* contains already the absolute path
* @param reportDesign
* @return
private String getReportDesign(String reportDesign){
  if(designRepository != null && !designRepository.equals("")){
    return designRepository + "/" + reportDesign + BIRT_REPORT_SUFFIX;
    return reportDesign + BIRT_REPORT_SUFFIX;

I suggest that you enhance the code for your needs. And if its a save implementation that could work for the whole community: share it or else fork it.


answered 19.12.2014 at 10:45

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

edited 19.12.2014 at 10:47

Hello Reguel

Thanks for your suggestion.

(22.12.2014 at 03:04) nvhuong nvhuong's gravatar image

sorry. it's impossible.


answered 18.12.2014 at 02:20

trungdv's gravatar image

accept rate: 52%

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Asked: 17.12.2014 at 11:37

Seen: 3,133 times

Last updated: 22.12.2014 at 03:04