
Is there any way to have multiple ID's in one Entity? Corresponding JPA it should be possible. But trying in the designer I get: Exaclty one 'Id' field per Entity Class must be used. Although it is not named 'Id'. Would be saving a lot of work, when this is enabled.

Best Regards


asked 18.11.2014 at 15:00

Alexis's gravatar image

accept rate: 66%

To get the full feature set of JPA I copied the generated entity class from "src_dataClasses" to the "src" directory (with package directories) and deleted the entity class in Axon.ivy.

Now I can manage the entity classes in pure java. Also the "Generate Schema" button in the Persistence screen is working.


answered 18.11.2014 at 17:39

HaraldWeber's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%

edited 18.11.2014 at 17:40

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Asked: 18.11.2014 at 15:00

Seen: 1,884 times

Last updated: 18.11.2014 at 17:40