A lot of questions are rather Primefaces specific than Xpert.ivy specific. In order to get proper support at StackOverflow or the PrimeFaces-Board, what can I answer on the questions: What PrimeFaces version, JSF implementation name/version and the Server name/version information?

asked 22.11.2013 at 08:57

Nikel%20Weis's gravatar image

Nikel Weis
accept rate: 57%

edited 22.11.2013 at 14:27

You will find most Version numbers in the ReadMe.html in the root directory of the designer.

For Version 5.0.7 the versions are as follows:

PrimeFaces: 3.5
PrimeFaces-extensions: 0.6.3
PrimeFaces-mobile: 0.9.3

JSF-Implementation (2.1): Apache MyFaces 2.1.12

Underlying Webserver: Apache Tomcat 7.0.42

answered 22.11.2013 at 10:49

Peter%20St%C3%B6ckli's gravatar image

Peter Stöckli ♦
accept rate: 69%

edited 22.11.2013 at 10:50

Should have read more closely... sry for that.

(22.11.2013 at 14:19) Nikel Weis Nikel%20Weis's gravatar image

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Asked: 22.11.2013 at 08:57

Seen: 3,175 times

Last updated: 22.11.2013 at 14:27