The Axis Version (1.4 1156 May 23 2006) currently used in ivy still contains the following bug: which is fixed with Axis 1.6

In some environments this leads to problems. Is there an easy workaround and when do you plan to upgrade to a newer Axis release?

Thanks a lot

asked 27.10.2014 at 13:30

Wolfgang%20Heil's gravatar image

Wolfgang Heil
accept rate: 0%

Axis2 lib upgrade: AFAIK upgrade of Axis2 is not planned, because newer Axis2 versions generate incompatible WS Stub Java files. It means all WS clients should be regenerated, and many parameter assignments should be also re-created by users.

Workaround: As i see the comment from "Michael Fryars" (19/Aug/09 08:36) the problem does not occur (at least with ISO) when ADB is used. Axon.ivy uses ADB. On the other hand i suggest to use the same encoding for the Request and for the Reponse. This issue seems to talk about different request / response encoding.


answered 03.11.2014 at 08:51

Tamas%20KIS's gravatar image

Tamas KIS
accept rate: 60%

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Asked: 27.10.2014 at 13:30

Seen: 5,183 times

Last updated: 03.11.2014 at 08:51