Questions Tagged With workflowui tagged <span class="tag">workflowui</span>enTue, 08 Aug 2017 09:59:55 -0400Ivy 3.9 User Details loading very slow<p>On a customers installation the User Details in the workflow ui are loading very slow. About 50 seconds.</p> <p>URL: <a href="http://localhost:8081/ivy/wf/Webapp/index.html?pageId=admin%2Fuserform&amp;user=GFKLK">http://localhost:8081/ivy/wf/Webapp/index.html?pageId=admin%2Fuserform&amp;user=GFKLK</a></p> <p>The AAA System is set to Active Directory. After a click on user details i wait 50 seconds and then the following line appears in the server log.</p> <table border="1'"> <tbody><tr height="21"> <td height="21"> <span>LogId</span></td> <td><span>119510222</span></td> </tr> <tr height="21"> <td height="21"><span>SessionId</span></td> <td><span>199</span></td> </tr> <tr height="21"> <td height="21"><span>LogLevel</span></td> <td><span>5</span></td> </tr> <tr height="21"> <td height="21"><span>LogTimestamp</span></td> <td><span>2017-08-04 10:07:30.080</span></td> </tr> <tr height="21"> <td height="21"><span>SequenceNumber</span></td> <td><span>87</span></td> </tr> <tr height="21"> <td height="21"><span>LogMessage</span></td> <td><span lang="EN-US">Open directory context to naming and directory server 'ldap://SOME_SERVER_ADDRESS'</span></td> </tr> <tr height="21"> <td height="21"><span>LogDetailMessage</span></td> <td><span lang="EN-US">-&gt; client: 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 SOME_SERVER_ADDRESS -&gt; thread: http-8081-Processor5  Class: JndiAuthenticationAndAuthorization Method: getJndiContext</span></td> </tr> <tr height="0"> <td width="121"></td> <td width="1026"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> <p><br> It seems that the server tries to get some information from the ldap server and runs in a timeout. After that the user details page is shown. Confusing is the part "client: 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1". Its an ipv6 address. Does the server try to fetch something via ipv6? </p> <p>I disabled ipv6 in Windows but that didn't changed anything.</p> <p>Have you seen a similar case? What can I do to investigate?</p> <p>Server Info: Detail Version (Version 3.9 Build 52 Patch 5) Build Date 21.11.2011 </p>HaraldWeberTue, 08 Aug 2017 09:59:55 -0400 WorkflowUI (v.6) : Automatic Execution of multiple Tasks<p>In the 4.3 version of the WFUI one was able to use the Auto Execute Button to complete one task after another without having to open each one individually. After the Upgrade to AnonIvy 6.0.3 this function does not seem to Work, does one have to modify ones Workflow for it to work, or is it a Bug?</p>RMS71Mon, 11 Jul 2016 12:53:22 -0400 WorkflowUI (v.6) : How can one disable the the Right to Delete Tasks?<p>I have denied the Role the right to delete Tasks, but the Button "Delete" is still active, I have not been able to find out where the condition to Activate/Deactivate the Button is set, in the 4.3 version it was done via the Rights Management.</p>RMS71Mon, 11 Jul 2016 11:41:33 -0400 for IvyAddons and WorkflowUI<p>Are there somewhere Translations for the axon Ivy addons and the WorkflowUI. I need them in the languages German, French, Italian and English.</p>Thomas WirzSun, 10 Apr 2016 12:17:46 -0400 a concurrent user licence blocked if I use the WorkflowUI without to start a process?<p>Hello,</p> <p>does the WorflowUI uses licences when a user is logged in but doesnt start a process?</p>hayitTue, 25 Feb 2014 16:45:31 -0500 the ULC-WorkflowUI still supported and the future of ULC within Xpert.ivy?<p>I know that the ULC-Components are not the main road that Xpert.ivy will take. But what happens with the ULC WorkflowUI? We have the impression that the move to put the ULC WorkflowUI into maintenance-support-mode is going a bit too fast. Due to the fact that there are a lot of customers using the ULC-WorkflowUI intensively.</p> <p>We received answers from the offical support which were quite irritating because the proposed workaround to an - in my opinion - obvious error within the authentication/authorization component of the WorkflowUI contained security critical measures ("give all users all rights").</p> <p>So is the ULC-WorkflowUI already put into maintenance mode and are still substantinal resources committed to support or develop this AddOn further? I'm wondering because it says that this is officially supported Addon by the ivy-team.</p>Nikel WeisTue, 14 Jan 2014 12:39:26 -0500 category and process name in task display of RIA WorkflowUI<p>In the Task Switch I use in the tab <code>Case categorization</code> the field <code>Process category</code> but not the field <code>Process</code>. If I list now the tasks in the in the WorkflowUI, then I have an additional empty folder. Do I need to set the field Process too or is there another possibility to suppress the empty folder?</p>Manuela HeiblWed, 14 Jul 2010 10:05:10 -0400