Questions Tagged With workflow tagged <span class="tag">workflow</span>enThu, 18 Apr 2019 04:04:31 -0400Ivy WorkflowSystemEvent was not fired when session timeout?<p>Hi IvyTeam,</p> <p>We are working on project that listen on WorkflowSystemEvent to know when the Ivy Task was created/changed. Everything working fine if we are actively change the Ivy Task, but when the user are opening the task and then his session timeout, Ivy is able to reset the Task state to SUSPENDED, but it doesn't fire the WorkflowSystemEvent, cause our application don't know the Ivy Task had changed its state to SUSPENDED.</p> <p>We are working on Axon.ivy 7.0.8</p>vinh_Thu, 18 Apr 2019 04:04:31 -0400 Task and Expiry Tasks timing is not correct if the interval is smaller 60 seconds<p>Hi Axon.ivy Team,</p> <p>In our project, we have several use cases that we would like to use the Delayed Tasks or Expiry Tasks. Depends on the business needs, our delayed or expiration duration <strong>may be 30 seconds or less</strong>.</p> <p>However, we discovered that the duration <strong>does not work</strong> if it is smaller than 60 seconds. I had done our homework a little bit and discovered that the <code>WorkflowJob</code> which was the main module used to resolve expired or delayed tasks is scheduled to run periodically on every 60 seconds. This was done in <code>WorkflowManager</code>.</p> <p>I assumed this was done <em>by design</em> but it took me by surprise because I could not find anywhere mentioning this limitation. The interval, 60 seconds, is hardcoded and is not configurable like the <code>SystemTask.SearchJob.Interval</code>.</p> <p>Is there any recommended ways to overcome this limitation?</p> <p><strong>UPDATE</strong></p> <p>In our system, we want to communicate to a 3rd party system, namely ABC, via its RESTful API.</p> <ul> <li>The process starts when a User triggers a designated action on the UI. We then call the ABC's API to initiate a process on their system.</li> <li>Our system then have to poll ABC's API for result <strong>asynchronously</strong>.</li> <li>The ABC API requires that we have to poll for result at least after 30 seconds from the time the first request has been sent.</li> <li>We want to have at max 3 attempts to call ABC's API for checking the result. Each time will have an additional delay of 10 seconds.</li> <li>At the same time, the User UI may be also polling for the result. It is not required that they have to keep the UI open.</li> </ul> <p>Having the above requirements, we are using Signal to trigger the polling to ABC's API asynchronously. The Signal process makes uses of SYSTEM TaskElement whose DelayDuration set to <code>30S</code>. For triggering a retry, the process itself then send a new Signal with an additional delay duration.</p> <p>What would be your suggestion to implement such a use case then?</p> <p>Bump this up!</p> <p>Regard</p> <p>Jack</p>vagabondMon, 25 Mar 2019 06:31:06 -0400 Application iOS URL<p>Hello everybody,</p> <p>I'd like to use the mobile Application offered for iOS devices. I've already set up the engine and an IIS on the same host as the engine. SSO and basic authentication is also configured.</p> <p>Now I'd like to use the mobile application on my iOS device. The devices and the host are in the same network. I already tried several server URLs but none of them was the correct one. Every time error message"No Axon.ivy Engine is available with this URL!" is shown.</p> <p>Unfortunately there is no guide how to configure the app. Maybe you can help me?</p> <p>Kind regards!</p>Sebastian KoThu, 07 Jun 2018 10:14:12 -0400 two signal?<p>Hi all</p> <p>I have a requirement as below: <img alt="alt text" src=""></p> <p>In here i have two process which send two different signals, When one signal has been started, it will wait (by a system task) until the other signal also be started then two signal will join to do another logic. Signal 1 and Signal 2 can be started randomly. If i implement like above picture, the system task will not join to continue when two signals has started already, i guess it's because of there is two different cases. Am i correct?</p> <p>Another approach could be using a boundary signal event. </p> <p>But is there any other approaches which is better than it on ivy? i see in ivy we also has other elements like <em>wait</em>, <em>Call &amp; Wait</em>,... Can i apply it for this requirement.</p> <p>Thanks a lot</p>trungdvTue, 29 Nov 2016 06:59:15 -0500 does Axon.ivy persist an ICase when `setAdditionalProperty` is invoked even if there is no TaskSwitch element?<p>There written in the <a href="">public document</a>:</p> <blockquote> <p>Normally, a case is started non persistent. This means it is stored in memory only. As soon as the process hits a task switch the case and its tasks will be made persistent by storing them to the system database.</p> </blockquote> <p>I just found out that you can make an ICase persisted without any TaskSwitch element in the process by setting an <code>additionalProperty</code>.</p> <p>As soon as the line of code is evaluated:</p> <pre><code>"anything-will-do", "some-value"); </code></pre> <p>The <code>ICase</code> will be persisted <em>immediately</em>.</p> <p>Is this a non-public behaviour or a bug in the API?</p> <p>P.S: there is a demo project to demonstrate this behaviour at <a href=""></a></p>Genzer HawkerFri, 29 Apr 2016 05:40:29 -0400 Portal and absences<p>Hi all. I would like to know ho to work with absences in Axon.ivy Portal. There is a link in a top left corner. </p> <p><img alt="alt text" src=""></p> <p>I tried to add some Absence, but I cannot select any substitude role and when I close the Absences dialog and open it again there are no absences.</p> <p><img alt="alt text" src=""> </p> <p>Do I need to set something special? Is this feature already implemented in Axon.ivy Portal?</p>matej_smetanaFri, 30 Oct 2015 09:14:25 -0400 over all possible workflow task states<p>The meaning of all the worklow task states is not clear (<a href="">ITask.getTaskSate Public API</a>/<a href="">TaskState Enum Public API</a>). It is also not easy to find out which action must happen that the task comes in a specific task sate.</p>SupportIvyTeamTue, 14 Apr 2015 09:38:37 -0400 I got warning about "Discourage access to CaseQuery/TaskQuery" when I use it in Java code?<p>Despite being one part of Ivy API but when I try to use CaseQuery/TaskQuery inside a Java class, the compiler yeilds warnings:</p> <blockquote> <p>Discouraged access: The type CaseQuery is not accessible due to restriction on required library C:\dev\ide\xpert.ivy.alag\\plugins\ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow_4.3.20.44658.jar</p> </blockquote> <p>It's true that we can suppress those warnings by using <code>@SuppressWarnings("restriction")</code> but I want to know the reason why they are restricted? Is there anyway we can remove it?</p> <p>P.s: I use Ivy v4.3.20</p> <p>Thanks</p>Genzer HawkerThu, 05 Jun 2014 05:12:46 -0400 to cleanup old Cases / Tasks?<p>Currently there is no functionality in XIVY Server Administrator App(s) to clean up old workflow data from XIVY system DB. But it can happen that all the old data is no more used and slows down the data base. How can I get rid of them?</p>Tamas KISWed, 25 Sep 2013 00:09:31 -0400 can I set the subject of notification emails for the task?<p>How can I set/change the subject of the mails that are sent that notifies users about their new tasks? I use a special process to create the content of the mail.</p>Bruno BütlerWed, 26 Oct 2011 11:45:11 -0400 to get the responsible user/role for an expired task?<p>If a task expires I want to send an email to the user responsible. Unfortunately I do not find a way to get the user/role assigned for the expired task. If I use <code>ivy.task.getActivator()</code>, <code>ivy.task.getOriginalActivator()</code> or <code>ivy.task.getWorkerUser()</code> then always <code>SYSTEM</code> is returned. I would expect here the user/role of the task before the expiration. So how do I get this user/role?</p>Matthias LangWed, 01 Jun 2011 09:08:56 -0400