Questions Tagged With webservice tagged <span class="tag">webservice</span>enTue, 14 Jul 2020 00:33:46 -0400Get web service name<p>Hi Team, i got a new requirement that needs to log every time Webservice call with ws name and some value.</p> <p>Is there any way that i can get the name of ws process element (in <strong>Code</strong> tab)?</p> <p><a href=""><img alt="ws" src="" border="0"></a></p> <p>Thank you,</p> <p>Minh</p>docvominhTue, 14 Jul 2020 00:33:46 -0400 web service client calls LinkageError with Policy<p>Since Axon.ivy 8.0 you may have problems with AXIS web service client calls, which you will notice in the log as follows:</p> <pre><code>LinkageError: loader constraint violation: loader org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.EquinoxClassLoader @4797c3e2 wants to load class org.apache.neethi.Policy. A different class with the same name was previously loaded by org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.EquinoxClassLoader @59b5251d. (org.apache.neethi.Policy is in unnamed module of loader org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.EquinoxClassLoader @59b5251d, parent loader 'platform') </code></pre> <p>This problem occurs in combination with web service policies. To fix this issue, you need to migrate to the CXF Web Service Client technology - the AXIS stack is deprecated.</p> <p><img alt="alt text" src=""></p> <p>We have invested heavily in the new CXF technology in the Web Service Call Stack . If you have any problems with CXF, please contact us. We will take our time and make the CXF stack even better 💪!</p>Alex SuterThu, 12 Mar 2020 01:45:20 -0400 Web Service Client improvements in 8.0.3<p>By default CXF Web Service Calls runs by default with <code>HttpUrlConnection</code> of Java. <code>HttpUrlConnection</code> is limited when it comes to authenticate against a NTML web service.</p> <p>CXF provides the ability to change the implementation of the connection itself to <code>org.apache.http.nio.client.HttpAsyncClient</code>. Besides the full support of NTML it also provides better performance. Due that fact we changed the default connection to <code>HttpAsyncClient</code> of CXF Web Service Calls.</p> <p>There are no known compatibility issues between these to implementations. If you face one, please contact us. And you are always still able to fallback by setting the <code>use.async.http.conduit</code> to <code>false</code> on the Web Service Client.</p>Alex SuterThu, 05 Mar 2020 02:33:11 -0500 maven build has problem with axis2<p>Hello Ivy Team</p> <p>When I migrate from Ivy 7 to ivy 8. I have problem when build project with maven. I added Axon.ivy WS Call (Axis2) and using it to call axis2 and soap in my project.</p> <p><img alt="alt text" src=""></p> <p>But when I build with maven the error displayed <img alt="alt text" src=""></p> <p>Please help me to resolve it. Thanks</p>anhleTue, 18 Feb 2020 02:04:34 -0500 socket max timeout value<p>Hi,</p> <p>I have a max timeout on socket connection with Ivy 5.1 when I use a web service node. Is it a way to modify this value in this version of Ivy ?</p> <p>I tried with web.xml and java option but do nothing.. And I can't find anything in the server variable configuration..</p> <p>Any hint will be very appreciate.</p> <p>Thanks in advance.</p> <p>Fabien Duay</p>fabienTue, 04 Feb 2020 09:26:48 -0500 exceptions lead to ivy:error:loop<p>Hi there</p> <p>We get an "ivy:error:loop" exception by Ivy in a loop. In this loop, we send some ws calls in a Callable Sub. Possibles exceptions are not handled in the Callable Process, but are caught by a "Inscribe Error Boundary Event" on the Callable Sub Element. The loop-exception occurs when we receive an exception (ivy:error:webservice:exception) in this Callable Sub twice.</p> <p>From our point of view one task could easily receive more than one identical exception during its execution. Ivy should not send a loop-exception in this case.</p> <p>Why does Ivy react like that? Have we done something wrong?<br> Is there a solution or workaround for our problem?</p>Adrian ImfeldWed, 11 Dec 2019 09:41:15 -0500 to set additional HTTP Header in SOAP WebService Request<p>Hi</p> <p>How can I set an additional HTTP header in a SOAP web service request. For example to send a OAuth2 token to the web service?</p> <p>Regards</p>Reto WeissMon, 25 Mar 2019 15:50:08 -0400 the read a webservice wsdl over https<p>I have to generate a webservice client in ivy7.2 (CXF) where the wsdl is only accessable over https. </p> <p>The WebsService class generation crahes with a mysterious exception:</p> <pre><code> org.apache.cxf.wsdl11.WSDLRuntimeException: Fail to create wsdl definition WSDLException (at /definitions/types/xs:schema): faultCode=PARSER_ERROR: Problem parsing .xsd'.: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: White spaces are required between publicId and systemId. </code></pre>Bruno BütlerThu, 07 Mar 2019 10:11:28 -0500 CXF DateTime Converter with different Timezone<p>We have a simple WSDL which holds a datetime attribute. This attribute is converted correctly by the CXF library and holds the Ivy DateTime format in the generated ws class. When we pass a datetime into the ws call, the datetime is formatted as <code>2018-11-26T12:56:52+01:00</code> but the ws provider (in our case SAP) needs the datetime within the UTC timezone, like: <code>2018-11-26T12:56:52Z</code></p> <p>How can we change the format? Is there a simple way, for example to pass the timezone to the Ivy DateTime object? ...or pass a SimpleDateFormat object for the string formatting?</p>Adrian ImfeldMon, 26 Nov 2018 09:32:33 -0500 whether there is an endpoint in the web service or not<p>Hi everybody I would like to check there is an endpoint in the web service before I send data to there. I found an interface IWebServiceEndpoint, but I don't know how to use to get the data by Ivy API. Could someone help me? Thank you so much</p>Tu Doan QuangTue, 02 Oct 2018 23:03:27 -0400 loop when calling a Webservice<p>When calling an external Webservice we get a log of type: "The following requests seems to loop endless or are blocked:"</p> <p>According to an answer in another post:</p> <p>The endless loop logs occur when:</p> <ul> <li>a normal user request is running for longer than 5 minutes</li> <li>a system user task is running longer than 1 hour</li> </ul> <p>How could be provoke such an error? And how could we prevent such an error when it occurs on a WebService call? Maybe by defining a Timeout on the Webservice call? Does a default timeout for the WS Call exist?</p>Fotini KalantidouFri, 21 Sep 2018 02:22:05 -0400 obsolete variables and web services<p>Is there any way (including DB manipulation) to delete unused (because for example renamed) variables and/or web services in the Engine?</p>petersFri, 15 Jun 2018 07:03:16 -0400 in Webservice<p>Hello Ivy Team, we use one field with type DateTime in result by Web Service Process start. If there is null in this field, we receive always initialized Value</p> <pre><code> &lt;result&gt; &lt;exportTimestamp&gt;0001-01-01T00:00:00+01:00&lt;/exportTimestamp&gt; &lt;/result&gt; </code></pre> <p>What is wrong on it?</p> <p>I would expected, the section exportTimestamp would not be created (similar like with Type String).</p> <p>Thank you for response in advance.</p>tauserWed, 30 May 2018 04:07:00 -0400 to avoid policy error when calling SOAP Webservices<p>I'm integrating data from a remote SAP system over SOAP services. The SAP services WSDL contains <code>Policy</code> elements. At runtime the remote call fails with <code>PolicyException: None of the policy alternatives can be satisfied.</code> Does anybody know how to call such a service?</p> <p><img alt="bpmError" src=""> <img alt="policyWsdl" src=""></p>SupportIvyTeamWed, 11 Apr 2018 05:44:49 -0400 ivy:error:loop<p>Hello everyone</p> <p>We have a process, where we parse a CSV file. For each line a web service is called (in a loop). Our error handling catches timeout and other errors with <code>Error Start</code> elements.</p> <p>The problem now is, on the second timeout (or other) error, Ivy throws an <code>ivy:error:loop</code> error, because it is the same sender and receiver element as also the same task.</p> <p>What are possible solutions for this problem? We can't send all lines at once, because the web service is third party, and also it is crucial to catch every error to handle it.</p> <p>Any help will be appreciated.<br> Thanks.</p> <p>Here's a picture of the process: <img alt="diagramm" src=""></p>rhorberTue, 10 Apr 2018 09:45:14 -0400 to use WS-Addressing in a webservice call?<p>I need to use web service standard WS-Addressing to call a web service. How can I use it?</p>Alex SuterWed, 21 Feb 2018 10:36:38 -0500 i turn on/off webservice authentication programmatically<p>Hi all</p> <p>We have a webservice which implemented on ivy. This service serve for many customer. As default it required basic-auth. <img alt="alt text" src=""> Now some of customers dont want to be authenticated when calling it, so we intend to introduce the global var where admin can allow to turn on/off this feature.</p> <p>Can we go with that way and how to turn off/on this authentication type programmatically?</p> <p>Thanks</p>trungdvThu, 01 Feb 2018 03:06:57 -0500 Webservice in Ivy using Java<p>I tried to publish a web service similar to the one described in the tutorial below. I did not use the out-of-the-box Ivy WS process as each of the WS have many methods (and decided to build them in Java instead). </p> <p><a href="">Example</a></p> <p>Using Endpoint.publish() I specified the location for the WS. However, this requires me to run the class containing this method in the java console, and then run Ivy. I tried tying Endpoint.publish() to a "Start Process" in Ivy but it did not work. </p> <pre><code>public class SOAPPublisher { public static void main(String[] args) { Endpoint.publish("http://localhost:8888/ws/depotWS99", new WSDepotShopImpl()); } </code></pre> <p>Is there a "best practices" method to building a SOAP WS via Java in Ivy, and how do I get the WS published in Ivy? Thanks!</p>Walter WeissFri, 03 Nov 2017 11:36:49 -0400 SOAP web services<p>My Ivy project needs to call a SOAP web service but I can’t connect to the server where this web service runs. The only thing I have is the corresponding .wsdl file.</p> <p>Can I use it to mock the web service for development and testing?</p>SupportIvyTeamFri, 27 Oct 2017 10:20:49 -0400 service development in AXON Ivy<p>Hello,</p> <p>currently i looking for the development of web services through AXON Ivy, as i understood that there is a web service process. but i couldn't find a lot of information about it or examples.</p> <p>if you have any example it will be perfect. is there a resources about how the web service process data flow will work?</p> <p>i need to evaluate it, what is the benefits of using or developing a web service through AXON Ivy in comparison to developing it in Java?</p> <p>Thanks in advance, Jamil</p>JamilThu, 10 Aug 2017 06:33:09 -0400 with German Umlaut in a Web Service wsdl<p>Hi all</p> <p>I have to call a SOAP WebService provided by SAP Business Objects that contains a complex type definition with Germain Umlaut in the wsdl. If I try to generate the webservice client configuration in ivy I get: Error decoding WSDL: java.lang.Exception: Compile error...</p> <p>It is obvious, that the generated Java code containing the Umlaut characters can not be compiled.</p> <p>I know the workaround to call a WebService using Java with tools like SoapUI, but I wonder if there is a way to do it with standard ivy means.</p> <p>Any hints are welcome.</p>SupportIvyTeamMon, 19 Jun 2017 06:27:50 -0400 qualified name of webservice including /-sign<p>We have a requirement which describes that our webservice namespace (we are the service provider) should be like <a href=""></a> Is this possible to implement? In Ivy Designer (6.0.4) it looks like there are only points allowed no slashes. Is there a workaround possible</p>peter_mucTue, 06 Dec 2016 09:12:47 -0500 to get a SOAP request from server side ?<p>Hi there,</p> <p>I created an Ivy webservice, and now from the service, I want to capture the raw XML from SOAP Message that user requests to my webservice to save to save somewhere. Is there any method to do it in Ivy ? I did a bit research and it seems possible in <a href="">pure Java </a></p> <p>Could you give me any idea ?</p> <p>Thanks.</p>maonguyenThu, 20 Oct 2016 11:55:48 -0400 to check mandatory fields in wsdl<p>Hi guys, Could you help me with this issue. Is there anyway that we can validate the required field in Ivy Webservice? Example add the property required = true, But it's only not generate the comment optional in Webservice request. It still can pass if I leave it empty. @XmlElement(name = "ProcessType", required = true) <img alt="alt text" src=""></p> <p>I also try to add nillable = true but it did not help.</p> <p>If any body have the idea please give me a hand. Thanks</p>Tinh NguyenMon, 10 Oct 2016 05:11:08 -0400 to handle date format with SOAP web service in Ivy<p>Hi Everyone,</p> <p>Now, I got the trouble with format date in SOAP webservice which created by Ivy</p> <p><img alt="alt text" src=""></p> <p>When I call it by SOAP client, I always got the exception like <strong>Unmarshalling Error: 28.08.2016</strong> Because as we know, the expected format for date in XML is: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss. But I want to use the custom format like dd.MM.YYYY</p> <p>Do you have any ideas about that?</p> <p>Regards</p>vhsvuongThu, 29 Sep 2016 07:51:06 -0400 can I enable webservice call SOAP request and respons logging on the eninge<p>With Axon.ivy 6.0 it is possible to see the webservice call SOAP request and response in the designer log! How can I enable this debug log on the engine/server. <img alt="Webservice Log in Designer" src=""></p>SupportIvyTeamMon, 05 Sep 2016 15:49:05 -0400 Date Converter<p>I'm calling a external web service with a "Web Service Step". The serialization of a java.util.Date field generates for example this line :: &lt;documentdate&gt;2016-08-10+01:00&lt;/documentdate&gt;</p> <p>Is there a way to change this behavior so the serialization converts the date to string without the timezone?</p>tiagoWed, 10 Aug 2016 12:31:00 -0400 can i call a http-session to an internet-url from ivy and to store some informations form the webpage-answer?<p>Dear all,</p> <p>we have the problem that the timestamp for storing in the database is the local timestamp where the database server is hosted. We need also the local time of the user request, sided all around the word.</p> <p>To calculate the local time of the user there is a https-api-call via Google Maps and the answer will deliver the time zone with the off_set und the daylight saving time offset as diffenrce to UTC.</p> <p>For example: Today it is 2016-06-13 09:45 CEST = 07:45 UTC; the API delivers for Sydney: 36000 Seconds offset and 0 Secondes dst-offset and for Berlin 3600 Seconds offset and 3600 Seconds dst-offset; I can now calculate Berlin Time - 1 Hour Offset - 1 Hour DST-Offset = UTC + 10 Hours = Sidney Local Time = 17:45 </p> <p><a href=",151.200000&amp;timestamp=1696060417">,151.200000&amp;timestamp=1696060417</a></p> <p>Is is possible to do this with IVY or is thera an other way to get the local time of the staff's office?</p> <p>Thanks in advance.</p> <p>Best regards Dieter</p>Dieter StaudtMon, 13 Jun 2016 13:52:04 -0400 IHttpRequest for SOAP web service<p>Hello everyone!</p> <p>I would like to get an object that implements ch.ivyteam.ivy.request.IHttpRequest in order to extract the remote client's hostname. </p> <p>A great solution for this problem has already been described here: <a href=""></a></p> <p>It works well when the type is set to "Business Process". However, I cannot cast the ivy.request to an IHttpRequest because it's always a ch.ivyteam.ivy.request.impl.ProcessRequest (since I'm using a different process type called "Web Service Process").</p> <p><img alt="alt text" src=""></p> <p>I have also tried to modify the generated JAX-WS class to achieve the same result (with no success so far).</p> <p>What is the right way of doing this under Ivy 5.1?</p> <p>Thank you in advance!</p>ivyUserWed, 16 Dec 2015 12:37:37 -0500 can I evalute webservice response?<p>Hello,</p> <p>I use webservices to integrate into SAP. Integration works, but I cannot read the response. How can I evaluate webservice the response, I can see when using the test-function?</p> <p>Thanks for Your answers Richard Schmid</p>Richard SchmidFri, 04 Dec 2015 10:24:10 -0500