Questions Tagged With sql tagged <span class="tag">sql</span>enTue, 07 Feb 2017 10:14:59 -0500How to specify database instance name?<p>How can I specify the instance name of a database in the database configuration window of the ivy server? If I am using the management studio way with DATABASENAME\INSTANCENAME I am getting an unknow server host name exception. I have seen that the jdbc connection string actually asks for an adittional argument instanceName - but I am not able to set this value.</p>ruffzyTue, 07 Feb 2017 10:14:59 -0500 while accessing an IBM Informix DB<p>I have connected an IBM Informix DB to my IVY Designer (6.1.0). Within the Database Configuration Editor I'm able to execute a simple query (see image 1).<img alt="alt text" src=""> But as soon I try to do the same within a database step (without mapping something to the Ivy DATA), I'll get an error (see image 2) <img alt="alt text" src=""> Does anybody has an idea how to fix it?</p>peter_mucWed, 01 Jun 2016 10:51:37 -0400 Select all Cases that belong to a specific Process Model Version<p>How would a SQL select statement look like, that returns all Cases that run in a specific Process Model Version?</p>SupportIvyTeamWed, 11 May 2016 10:43:21 -0400