Questions Tagged With server tagged <span class="tag">server</span>enThu, 12 Jun 2014 05:36:18 -0400How to config send email daily?<p>Hi all,</p> <p>I read on the server Guide and implement like this, but it's not working. Current config now is work with send Email when create new task. This is my step:</p> <ol> <li>Create startprocess with the name: MailNotification_DailyTaskSummary and <img alt="alt text" src="/upfiles/startProcessSendDailyEmail.png"></li> <li>Deploy to server and change the setting of Application<img alt="alt text" src="/upfiles/configServerEmail_Application_1.png"></li> <li>Set the time in system properties: EMail.DailyTaskSummary.TriggerTime -&gt; 00:00<img alt="alt text" src="/upfiles/configServerEmail_SystemProperties.png"></li> </ol> <p>This just work only one time when I restart Ivyserver. Thanks in advance for any idea support me about this problem!!!</p>khanh11166Thu, 12 Jun 2014 05:36:18 -0400