Questions Tagged With security tagged <span class="tag">security</span>enWed, 22 Feb 2017 08:26:22 -0500Is it possible to access Ivy's RESTful API from an HtmlDialog or within the same session?<p>Hi Ivy Team</p> <p>I have a HtmlDialog containing several links to our RESTful API (implemented using Axon.ivy). However, every time the user accesses to the API, the browser requires authentication even though the user has already logged in.</p> <p>I'm aware of the <code></code> (-- which seems to be the only annotations supported?) but I want to keep the Basic authentication intact.</p> <p>Say the page could be like this:</p> <pre><code>&lt; !-- The HelloWorld dialog --&gt; &lt; h:html&gt; &lt; h:body&gt; &lt; h:outputLink value="/ivy/api/designer/helloworld" target="_blank"&gt; Click to see Hello World &lt; /h:outputLink&gt; &lt; h:outputLink value="/ivy/file/designer/session/some_file_already_created.txt" target="_blank"&gt; Get content of file &lt; /h:outputLink&gt; &lt; h:/body&gt; &lt; /h:html&gt; </code></pre> <p>The first link will require authentication whereas the second works normally.</p> <p>Is there a possible way to overcome this?</p>Genzer HawkerWed, 22 Feb 2017 08:26:22 -0500